Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Beginning of my 365 Photography Project

Many People have attempted and failed at doing a 365 Photography Project. But the one's who succeed have something so amazing on their hand.

There is nothing more intimate than seeing a moment in someones life every day for an entire year.

St. Mary's Basilica
"My first image at St. Mary's Basilica in Minneapolis, MN"

The problem so many people have with a project of this magnitude is pure and simple, it is a major commitment. For a generation that has a hard time keeping focus on something for an hour, it is nearly impossible to think of doing something religiously every day, for 365 days. That is 365 non-stop days of finding inspiration. You at least get days off of your day job!

Mr. Moose
"Mr. Moose"

As you can see with the picture above, "Mr. Moose", not every single picture you take will be ground breaking, or awe inspiring. But part of this project is finding motivation in the mundane. Be creative! If it only means taking pictures of your favorite blanket, it is one more picture towards your goal, and one more picture that helps people get acquainted with you.

First Film SLR
"My First Film SLR" Picture #3 in my series.

This project is not just for yourself, because even though you are honing your skills, and better learning your craft, you are also inviting people to know you. With the above picture "My First Film SLR", I am introducing you to something important to me, a treasure of mine. If you saw this camera on my shelf, you would never look at it twice. But now people are looking at this camera possibly by the hundreds.

The number one thing to remember with a 365 Photo Project is to have fun. If it becomes a chore, then why are you doing it? But if you have a goal in mind, and are excited to see the final product, then stick with it! It will surely be worth it when you are completed, you may even learn something new about yourself.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

On Photography: A video about me!

Hey Guys, just did a quick bio video on myself, let you guys kind of meet me in person. There will be plenty more videos to come!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Post

Hello, welcome to the Better Image Photography blog. Posts are made by me, Gary Ussery, founder and only employee of Better Image.

I specialize primarily in portrait photography, and am an aspiring wedding photographer. My favorite photographer is Chase Jarvis.

I shoot only with Nikon gear, which is what I learned on. If you have any questions  or comments, just post.

I am getting my Twitter page, Facebook, Youtube, and Flickr accounts set up, so look forward to more content.