On the 9th of January, only 1 day from this day, my girlfriend and I will be celebrating our 8 year anniversary.
My girlfriend Ashley
I was not into photography when I first met my girlfriend in high school. I was into many different things, but I had only shot with a point and shoot camera up to that point, and only snaps of friends. It was when I was about 23 years old that I fell in love with photography, when I received my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel XS. That camera did not last. I was so enamored with my new hobby that I consumed every book, every article, and every word of advice any could would share with me. I quickly out grew my XS.
My next DSLR was a Nikon D90. My girlfriend bought me that camera for Christmas. It was so special and important to me, and it made me realize something:
She really supported this new hobby of mine.
But if she thought that buying my new camera was where the support and high tolerance would end, she was sorely mistaken. Every time a bought a new lens, the glass was shoved into her face, that distinguishable click as I recorded her image. Every time we went to Best Buy and I predictably made my why to the Photo department to play with the cameras, she would have her image recorded 32 different times as I went down the line of Point and Shoots. I bought a new flash.... I am fairly sure I nearly blinded her with it.
New backdrop
New reflector
New Ideas
Old Ideas
She was put through every trial with me. And I never once heard her complain. She supported me, and my not so new hobby.
I love her
My brother, who is undeniably one of my favorite models has been dragged out into some truly odd conditions. Reading a book, I was inspired to grab Chris, and pull him into the summer night. It was about 3 a.m. and if memory serves, he had to work the next day.
My little Brother, Christopher
My little brother was 19 when I picked up the passion of photography. From day one, I knew he deserved to be in front of a lens. He has fed me the most honest emotions.
He listened to my posing instructions
He listened to my series ideas
He always told me yes when I asked if he would model for me
He made me feel good about my photography
I love him
The support of my little brother, someone who is very important to me, has made photography all the more of a joy. He has never had a single negative thing to say about my ideas or my passion, and that is really saying something if you knew my little brother.
My mom wanted me to be a rock star. Not to say that she wouldn't be happy with what ever decisions I made in life, but she always told me that for some reason, she just always saw me with a guitar in my hand in her mind. Well, I picked up a camera instead. She doesn't seem to mind
My momma and me!
My mom has been my personal go to girl for my ideas, dreams and problems. There have been days that I just want to give up, sell everything, and she has been there to remind me that things will get better. These simple kind words have always been enough for me to rise back up, dust my self off, and get back into it.
She has always told me that I was an awesome son. For some reason, that has made me want to be an awesome person. I strive to meet her expectations, but her expectations are not sharp and mean, but more of a target, goals that I know if I can meet them, I have done something amazing. Something we can be proud of together.
She is my moral compass
She raised me strong
She didn't let the shit roll down hill (she'll know what this means)
She gave me goals
I love her
Photography is a huge commitment. The support of your loved ones make it so much easier. I am not saying that if those around you don't support it don't do it. Not by a long shot.
I am saying that when those around you who love you, love what you do, it makes it that much more important to you.
PS: If you love me and know I love you, but were not mentioned, don't take it personal. You know I love ya!
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